• Universiti Malaya Library
  • query_perpustakaan@um.edu.my
  • +603 79567800


The Languages and Linguistics Library is located on the ground floor of the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics new block. In October 1986 the Library was absorbed into the University Library System. The Library provides services to all academic staff and students pursuing courses at the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics. It is also open for reference and limited borrowing privileges to registered members of the campus community.


Languages & Linguistics Library has a total collection of 21,350 titles up to date, which reflects the studies and teaching in languages and linguistics field. The library provide collection in various languages (i.e. Malay, English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, etc.), comprises of textbooks, monographs, AV materials (cassettes, CD, DVD), reference collection (dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbook, etc.) and academic reserve collection (red spot). The library also provides collection of dissertation completed by the Language and Linguistic Faculty students.

  • Service Counter

The library provides service counter for borrowing and returning library materials, and also for fines. The loan privileges and fines are same as applied by Central Library. The borrowing privilege is limited for 2 items only for registered members. Users may ask staffs at counter on matters related to library or to get some references.

  • WiFi Access

Access is available within the building with a number of access points..

  • Reading Areas

The Library has provided reading areas for students which are available up to 50 users per time.


Group/Individual Study Spaces

Borrowing policy

No. Category of Members Open-shelf Books Late return penalty
1. Undergraduate 2 items / 30 Days RM0.50 per day
2. Postgraduate 3 items / 30 Days RM0.50 per day
5. Full time Lecturer 60 items / 10 Days RM0.50 per day

The Team

No. Name Position Email Phone. No Profile Image
1. Amir Hamzah Alias Senior Librarian, Head amirhamzah@um.edu.my +60379675018

Khairul Fadzlie Khalid

Senior Librarian Assistant cairol1331@um.edu.my +6037973092
3. Hakimin Hashim Librarian Assistant hakimin84@um.edu.my +60379673092


Language & Linguistic Library,
Ground Floor, Faculty of Language & Linguistic,
Universiti Malaya,
50603 Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur
Tel.No: +603-7967 3092

GENERAL Opening Hours

  • Saturday-SundayClosed
  • Monday-Friday 8:00-17:00
  • Friday PrayerClosed
  • Public Holiday Closed

Last Update: 23/01/2025