Learn how to find, evaluate, and use sources to support your research by developing your information literacy skills.Information is available in many formats, mediums, and versions. Researchers need to have information skills to enable them to exploit the wide range of resources available and to retrieve, evaluate, and use that information effectively.This three-week course from Universiti Malaya will empower you with the information literacy skills you need to become a better and more effective researcher.
The educators are librarians at the Universiti Malaya Library with various educational backgrounds. This course has been developed based on the information literacy course and upgraded to suit the needs of the public that comes from a variety of backgrounds, such as librarians, researchers, information science lecturers, or students.
This course will teach individuals the skills and knowledge necessary to locate, evaluate, use, and communicate information effectively and responsibly. We encourage you to actively participate, ask questions, and share your insights throughout the course. The collaborative environment we foster will enable you to benefit from the collective wisdom and experiences of your fellow participants, creating a vibrant learning community.
Last Update: 19/01/2024