NO. |
1. |
What do users want? an analysis of enquiries received at the Help Desk
Goh W.H. and Sinnasamy, J.
2. |
User success and satisfaction with electronic information services in higher educational institutions
Shanmugam A.P.
3. |
ICT skills among the departmental library professionals in Aligarh Muslim University, India
Mohd. Muzzammil
4. |
Information needs and seeking behaviour of incarcerated male prisoners in Tamil Nadu prisons
Balasubramanian P.
5. |
Scientometric study of Banaras Hindu University, India : a picture from Scopus database
Singh R.K. and Anandamurugan M.
6. |
Characteristics of cited articles on Indonesian agricultural scientific journals
Winarko B.
7. |
Information literacy efforts in India with special reference to Banaras Hindu University Library system
Padma P. and Ramasamy K.
8. |
How are we really doing? : using assessment to improve library services at Georgia Southern University
Lau Clement Lau Chu Sing.
9. |
A study on utilisation of print and e-resources by library users : acase study in Madura College, Tamil Nadu
Gunasingh N.
10. |
Exploring the application of extended 3Ps of service marketing mix in academic libraries
Soroya S.H. and Ameen K.
11. |
Web/Science 2.0, early career researchers and reputation mechanisms : shifting the roles of academic libraries
A. Abrizah and David Nicholas.
12. |
Citation impact of health and medical journals in Africa : does open accessibility of journals matter?
Ezema I.J. and Onyancha, O.B.
13. |
Technology adoption, appropriation and acceptance research trends in library and information science literature
Mohd. Naseer M., Muzammil Tahira and Noorhidawati A.
14. |
Creating future landscape for the new generation libraries and LIS professionals : a bibliometric study
Gomathi P. and Rubinandhini A.
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15. |
Shodhganga : an institutional repository for e-Theses in India
Ganesan P., Mangai G. and Deepa R.
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16. |
Web 2.0 and marketing of library services in Pakistan
Idrees H., Khan A., Malik S. and Khan R.
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17. |
Determining the availability of social media presence and applications in Federal University Libraries in Nigeria
Sani, M.J., Abrizah A. and Yanti Idaya Aspura M.K.
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18. |
Pattern of ICT usage among youth at the rural libraries in Malaysia
Samsuddin S.F., Omar S.Z., Bolong J. and Abu Samah B.
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19. |
A bibliometric analysis of scholarly publication in Malaysia research universities from 2006-2015
Karno M.R., Omar S.S., Buntat Y. and Sharuddin N.
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20. |
Web 3.0 : a 15 years analysis of literature growth in library and information science discipline (2000-2015)
Yanti Idaya Aspura M.K., Suzilianah S. and Noorhidawati A.
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21. |
Library services for the development of society : a case study in West Bengkal, India.
Basak A. and Bandyopadhyay R.
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22. |
Publishing in the first quartile : a case of 50 Malaysian prolific scientists.
Napiah M.K. and Abrizah A.
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The adoption of social media and academic staff productivity in universities of North Central Geopolitical Zone Nigeria.
Madu E.C., Idoko A.N. and Akor P.U.
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24. |
Seven Pillars of Information Literacy Skills: A Gender-Based Evaluation
Padma P.& Ramasamy K.
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